Pachamama Sacred Paths offers Sacred Plant Medicine retreats and private ceremonies in San Diego county. Pachamama's mission is to facilitate individual awakening for the purpose of collective consciousness ascension aided by nature's gifts, the Sacred Plant Medicines, spiritual retreats and ancient teachings and practices. Through the purification and harmonization of individual consciousness, we influence the flow and alignment of all beings on our Mother Earth.
With over a decade of hosting Sacred Medicine Retreats, Pachamama is distinguished by our commitment to ancient wisdom and Shamanic practice, professionalism, integrity, and responsible care and compassion for those called to work with us.
We believe that the way to resolve our local, national and global problems is through the evolution of human consciousness. We stand firm in the belief that we are all equal, and we cherish everyone's uniqueness and individuality. In the Q'ero tradition, Illatiksi is the emanation of divine consciousness that comes from the balance of loving intelligence and intelligent love. To experience the emanation of the divine in our personal consciousness, we must ground and balance our personal power and our natural power as a first step. We see all of these different expressions of Illatiksi (of divine consciousness) as drawing their inspiration from that balance of loving intelligence and intelligent love. Their wisdom has come at different moments when collective consciousness has required specific lessons. At Pachamama Sacred Paths, we honor each of these paths up the mountain. We reconcile these distinct paths by acknowledging them as means through which to experience what the divine has to offer.