Marconics Ascension Energy brings the Multi-dimensional Holographic Body Templates into balance within the physical construct, by reclaiming fragmented soul aspects from multi-dimensional timelines in preparation for Higher Ascension. The frequencies raise the vibration of the Spiritual, Mental and Emotional bodies above the paradigm of FEAR, and SEPARATION, as they begin draw down higher light codes for the activation of 12 x 12 strand DNA, and beyond.
While we attempt to explain it with our human words, this kind of work is really beyond any 3D language. The moment I experienced Marconics frequencies, it was truly a jolt back “home” - an instantaneous return to my Self: to my connection across the stellar realms from which I came, and to which I belong.
Marconics is an energy modality which anchors the highest of frequencies from the planetary and universal matrixes, and raises the vibrational frequency of the client. If you are seeking assistance with shedding density, lifting in vibration, establishing clear connection with your Higher Self, stepping outside of 3D density and consciousness then Marconics is for you.
I am a certified Marconics Advanced Practitioner and Teacher, and work part-time in the Southern and Central California areas offering client sessions, lecture and expo events, and facilitating practitioner trainings.
For more information, to book a free information call, or to inquire about a remote or in-person session, please reach me directly at 828-246-5899, or visit my website