Illuminating Crossroads supports others along their spiritual journeys to expand and gain a different perspective about themselves. Extending the invitation for them to reconnect with their authentic self, which is always present.
Lisette is the founder of Illuminating Crossroads and supports others through, Sound Healing, Usui/Tibetan Reiki, and Astrology. She is passionate about sharing thoughts, experiences, and information that support expanding our awareness. She loves creating sacred spaces for others along their spiritual journey and meeting them where they are.
Her belief is that all aspects of life are beautiful once we shift our perspectives to Universal Divine Love. Her goal is to allow herself to express her most authentic embodiment in this life so she may share her knowledge with others, guide them, and inspire them to embrace the perfection they already are in this moment. She is cultivating the sacred space of remembrance towards the many paths that lead us home into our body, mind, soul, and spirit. Shining light on the power of choice and co-creation. Illuminating the 'self,' that is just waiting for us to ignite our inner remembrance.