Arielle Mesa is a Licensed Shamanic Somatic Psychotherapist and Plant Medicine Guide with over 10 years of experience serving people from all walks of life to heal ancestral, systemic, and experiential trauma. Arielle specializes in helping people heal themselves at the root by addressing to the mind-body-emotion-spirit impact of developmental trauma, sexual and domestic violence, and complex grief and loss. Arielle founded her practice, Sacred Space, to bring more of this vital work into this world so we all can remember our humanity and reclaim our inherent healing capacities to bring us back into harmony with ourselves and with all of Life.
In addition to her work as a psychotherapist, Arielle serves as a Plant Medicine Ceremonialist and Integration Guide, assisting individuals in the preparation, facilitation, and integration of their Plant Medicine Journeys. Arielle’s approach to Ceremony pays reverence to the original Indigenous Instructions and Rituals practiced for centuries while incorporating cutting edge approaches of Somatics and Trauma psychology to create a trauma-sensitive and multidimensionally supportive environment that promotes an optimal level of safety within all realms of experience.
For a decade, Arielle has been working within the realm of ceremony, communing with Master Plant and Animal Teachers, and has made various, ongoing commitments to deepen her personal practice and authentic embodiment of the path Curanderismo. Arielle is a dedicated life-long student and studies with various teachers from diverse Indigenous-based healing lineages - all to serve as an integrous, life-affirming bridge between the Western world of Somatic Trauma Psychotherapy and the Indigenous practices of Curanderismo.
Arielle holds a deep level of respect and gratitude in reciprocity for the wisdom and teachings she carries from Earth, Sun, Water, and Wind, her Ancestors, her Allies and Loved Ones, her Teachers, the master Plant and Animal Spirits she has been blessed to work with, and the Indigenous Medicine Keepers and Teachers of the Shipibo, Ashaninka, Toltecca, Mazateca, Santo Daime, Mayan, and Wixarica lineages and traditions.
Arielle’s rich tapestry of healing experience, knowledge, and support is at the heart of her mission to serve and facilitate individual, ancestral, and collective healing through the healing containers and ceremonies she creates and facilitates for others.
If you are interested in learning more about Arielle's offeringss, please visit her website and set up a free consultation call!